Scientific Review Paper 2020

Scientific Review Paper 2020

Scientific Review Paper on “Intersectoral and eco-nutritional approaches to resolve persistent anemia in Indonesia: Reviewing Its Complexities for the Future Policy and Strategic Action in Indonesia”

Another scientific alignment, the Foundation has also been made by commencing a review process on specific issue, nutritional anemia. The Foundation considered that comprehensive review on nutritional anemia is timely and pertinent in Indonesia. Nutritional anemia and stunting may overlap significantly, and nutritional anemia is strongly related with infectious diseases, which are important determinant of stunting in developing countries like Indonesia. Together with Scientific Members, we started the review process of nutritional anemia, titled ‘Intersectoral and eco-nutritional approaches to resolve persistent anemia in Indonesia: revisiting its complexities for the future policy and strategic actions in Indonesia’ .

The stages of this scientific review paper are presented below:

The stages of scientific review of Paradigm Shift in Nutritional Anemia
Book Cover of Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition Volume 29 Supplement 1 2020