About Danone Institute

scientific members
scientific members

On May 04th, 2007, Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation (IDIF) was established as one of the 18 Danone Institute Foundations worldwide. Although financially supported by Danone Business Unit, IDIF is operationally independent a non-profit organization. To put forward the scientific approaches on nutrition-problem solving, the Foundation activities have emphasized on the improvement of human resources quality in the field of nutrition. The overall program is systematically structured in a five-year work plan.

Major categories of IDIF's activities:

  • Reducing fund barrier for research;
  • Supporting research dissemination;
  • Supporting capacity building activities;
  • Maximizing research findings' utilization.

(Humanity, Openness, Proximity, Ethical, Scientific Integrity)

are the shared values of the Foundation:

1. Humanity (H)

Pursue the betterment of mankind in all activities.

2. Openness (O)

Transparency on any decision making process and program implementation.

3. Proximity (P)

Committed to the benefits of the community they served.

4. Ethical (E)

Zero support to humanity violation and/or breaching of property right.

5.Sientific Intergrity (S)

Zero tolerance to the acts of plagiarism and data manipulation.

scientific members


  • IDIF as a significant source of information on nutrition within the country;
  • IDIF as the initiator of impartial scientific community network through Alignment Program and Activities;
  • IDIF as an active facilitator on knowledge exchange among scientists;
  • IDIF as an active promoter of evidence-based policy formulation for nutrition program.

Our Vision

Contributing to the betterment of the future generation.

Our Mission

To minimize prevailing nutrition and health problems, with extension to any relevant programmatic issues.

Macro Strategies

  • To identify prevailing nutrition and health problems as well as its related risk factors;
  • To develop effective approaches on reducing nutrition and health problems;
  • To promote the evidence-based approaches on nutrition and health problems;
  • To facilitate networking and cooperation among various stakeholders.


To promote quality research on nutrition and health


  • to facilitate the scientists methods;
  • to optimize the utilization of research data.

To ensure alignment of science, research, community development, and other related programs


  • to support research workshop;
  • to broaden networking or linkages between researchers and stakeholders;
  • to encourage the cross-cutting and operational research

To support the exchange knowledge and skills among the scientists


  • to support the capacity building for scientists on the research result disseminations;
  • to facilitate the dissemination of research stakeholders

To support the formulation of evidencebased policies, standards, and program guidelines


  • to facilitate access to the key research publications