Danone Institute Indonesia has started sending letters and printed materials (i.e. poster, flyer, booklet) to various institutions, including universities and educational institutions, non-government organizations, and research institutions to announce its presence and acceptance of proposal.
Thirteen road show presentations were conducted between Aug 30-Sept 19, 2007 to 11 institutions (9 of which universities with doctorate program), in 10 cities, attended by more than 507 participants. DII was welcomed as a new alternative funding agency and was hoped to stimulate graduate students and research institutions in conducting research and publication.
University | City | Date | Presenter | Number of Participant | |
UNUD | Bali | Wed, Aug 30 | Hamam H | Avita | 15 |
UNDIP | Semarang | Thu, Aug 30 | Razak T | - | 86 |
UNAND | Padang | Fri, Aug 31 | Idrus J | Avita | 28 |
Poltekkes 1 | Jakarta | Mon, Sept 3 | Drajat M | Avita | 17 |
UI, Seameo | Jakarta | Tue, Sept 4 | Avita U | - | 15 |
UI, FKM | Depok | Wed, Sept 5 | Drajat M | Avita | 21 |
IPB | Bogor | Wed, Sept 5 | Atmarita | Avita | 33 |
UNAIR | Surabaya | Tue, Sept 11 | Hardinsyah | Avita | 26 |
UNHAS | Makassar | Mon, Sept 17 | Soekirman | - | 112 |
UNIBRAW | Malang | Tue, Sept 18 | Hardinsyah | - | 50 |
Poltekkes 2 | Jakarta | Wed, Sept 18 | Avita U | - | 30 |
USU | Medan | Wed, Sept 19 | Razak T | Avita | 69 |
UI - FK | Jakarta | Thu, Sep 27 | Drajat M | Avita | 5 |
International Seminar:
Obesity as a Poverty Related Emerging Nutrition Problems in Indonesia
8 December 2007, Auditorium Building MM UGM, Jl. Teknika Utara, Yogyakarta
Organized by:
School of Health Nutrition, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta in collaboration with Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation, Jakarta
The one-day seminar was co-organized between School of Health Nutrition, Universitas Gadjah Mada and Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation. The seminar was attended by a total of 340 participants, consisted of 230 students (68%) (D3, S1, S2, and S3) and 110 public (university lecturers and other professionals. Participants came from 21 different cities from 15 provinces.
A total of 9 speakers, of which 2 were external, were invited. They were key people from Danone Institute Israel/USA, International Life Sciences Institute-South East Asia Region/Singapore, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Health, Universitas Hasanuddin, Institut Pertanian Bogor, and Universitas Indonesia. The seminar was divided into three sessions, namely Global issues and policies on obesity, Public Health approach for the prevention of obesity, and Clinical approach to overcome obesity.
Posters Award:
In addition to the lectures, we opened participation for poster presentation related to the topic of obesity. Thirteen presenters from various institutions (universities: Udayana, Indonesia, Gadjah Mada, Indonusa Esa Unggul, Institut Pertanian Bogor; Health Politechnics: Poltekkes Kendari; and hospital (RS Bethesda) took part. We rewarded 3 best posters presenters based on content and visualization (FK UGM/Dr. Sardjito Hospital, FK UNUD/Sanglah Hospital, and FK UI/Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital).
Press Release:
Seminar Internasional Kegemukan dan Kemiskinan
Abstract :
Total proposal received in 2007 was 54. 18 (33%) were further processed, i.e. first screening by Scientific Members. After reviewed by Desk Reviewers, three proposals were called for presentation. This year, only one winner was selected, which happened to be an institutional research proposal.
The purpose of the Open Forum was to socialize the institute’s program for the year 2008 and to give time for discussion. Total participants were 61, coming from 23 institutions (10 Universities, 3 NGOs, 4 Poltekkes, 5 research institutions, and 1 hospital). Nine participants (15%) came from outside Jabodetabek area.
The discussion result of the Open Forum is summarized at FAQ section.
The workshop is a four-yearly scientific event held since 1968, organized by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). For this year, the theme was: Improving Food and Nutrition Security to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals.
Danone Institute supported 2 international speakers (Dr. Reynaldo Martorell, Emory University USA & Dr. Kraisid Tontisirin, Mahidol University, Thailand). Total participants were about 700, from various institutions in Indonesia. Recommendations of the workshop will be considered for future national health program / government policy.
The Expert meeting was conducted as a satellite meeting of the National Workshop which took theme: Child Growth & Micronutrient Deficiencies : New Initiatives for Developing Countries to Achieve MDGs, and covered the following topics:
Session I:
"Long-term Physical & Intellectual consequences of under-nutrition in early childhood"
Speaker | : | Dr. Reynaldo Martorell |
Moderator | : | Prof. Soekirman |
Discussant | : | Dr. Atmarita & Prof. Rulina Suradi |
Session II:
Speaker 1 | : | Dr. Ray Yip "Micronutrient deficiencies in developing countries and policy option" |
Speaker 2 | : | Dr. Jose Boccio "Food Fortification with Iron, Zinc and Calcium; Pros and Cons from a Nutritional and Technological Point of View" |
Moderator | : | Dr. Sunawang |
Discussant | : | Dr. Elvina Karyadi & Prof. Suryani As'ad |
DII Scientific Members
DII Secretariat
Journalist: Ninuk Pambudi (KOMPAS)
National Experts
(Coming from various fields, e.g : pediatric, nutrition, ecology, psychology, public health, physical anthropology, micronutrient, health & development, growth, motorist development; government policy makers, and representative of professional organizations):
The Conclusions and Recommendations derived from the meeting :
The documentation of the meeting will be inserted to the Proceeding of the National Workshop on Food and Nutrition IX (WNPG), multiply in CDs and distributed to relevant institutions.
The following experts have participated in reviewing proposals for 2007 & 2008
2007 | 2008 | ||
Name of Reviewer | Institution | Name of Reviewer | Institution |
Prof. Veni Hadju | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar | Dr. Safarina | Lembaga Biologi Molekuler Eijkman, Jakarta |
Dr. Abas Basuni Jahari | Puslitbang Gizi, Bogor | Prof. Irawan Yusuf | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar |
Dr. Mita Wahyuni | Departemen Kelautan & Perikanan RI | Prof. Sofia Mubarika | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta |
Prof. Sri Kardjati | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya | Prof. Suryani As'ad | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar |
Dr. Sri Purwaningsih | Fak Perikanan & Kelautan IPB | Prof. Muhilal | Puslitbang Gizi, Bogor |
Dr. Safarina Malik | Lembaga Biologi Molekuler Eijkman, Jakarta | Prof. Abubakar Tawali | Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar |
Prof. Purnawan Junadi | Prog Pasca Sarjana, Universitas Indonesia | Dr. Purwiatno | SEAFAST Center, IPB Bogor |
Prof. Sukijo Notoatmodjo | Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia, Depok | ||
Dr. Siti Madaniyah | Fakultas Ekologi Manusia, IPB Bogor | ||
Dr. Abas Basuni Jahari | Puslitbang Gizi, Bogor | ||
Dr. Anies Irawaty | RPuslitbang Gizi, Bogor | ||
Dr. Kusharisupeni | Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia, Depok | ||
Dr. Damayanti, SpA | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia | ||
Prof. Veni Hadju | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar | ||
Dr. Minarto | Direktorat Gizi, Departemen Kesehatan | ||
Dr. Komari | Puslitbang Gizi, Bogor | ||
Dr. Sunawang, MPS | Micronutrient Initiative Indonesia | ||
Dr. Mien Kamini | Puslitbang Gizi, Bogor | ||
Prof. Rulina Suradi | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Indonesia | ||
Prof. Suparyati Sunarto | Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta | ||
Dr. Siti Muslimatun | SEAMEO Tropmed RCCN UI | ||
Dr. Iswari Setyaningsih | Lembaga Biologi Molekuler Eijkman, Jakarta | ||
Dr. Elvina Karyadi | Micronutrient Initiative Indonesia | ||
Prof. Dr. Herman Sudiman | Puslitbang Gizi, Bogor | ||
Dr. Ratna Djuita | Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat, Universitas Indonesia, Depok |
The course was attended by 8 participants, of whom two were research grant winners and 4 were doctorate students. The agenda of the three full-day course consisted of lecture, discussion, and computer sessions.
The Foundation co-sponsored this symposium, which was organized by Hasanuddin University. The symposium carried the theme “The Development of Nutrition Science for Accelerating Healthy, Educability and Productivity of People” and covered 5 main areas: (1) Nutrition Science Development/History, (2) Food and Nutrition Policy, (2) Community Nutrition, focusing on Vitamin-A, (3) Food Science and Technology, (4) Education, and (5) Clinical and Molecular Nutrition. The symposium was attended by a total of 11 international and 18 national speakers, as well as 700 participants from all over Indonesia. The Foundation helped in facilitating the participation of one international and nine national speakers. The team member of our 2007 research grant winner (Satuman MSi.) disseminated part of their study result “Quercetin Ameliorates Metabolic Syndrome and Improving Insulin Resistance in Diet-induced Obesity Rat Model“ through oral presentation.
The Congress is a four-yearly scientific event that initiated & organized by International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS). More than 4000 participants (scientist, researchers & clinicians) from 106 countries attended the congress to share the latest in the field of nutrition through plenary lectures, cascade lectures, symposia, panel discussion, workshops, special sessions and other scientific programs. The ICN Bangkok took theme ‘Nutrition Security for All’ which was covering a broad range of topics; scientific–based knowledge in nutrition as integrative sciences, model in nutrition and food-based strategies, integrating agriculture, food systems, indigenous cuisines & diet quality, application of knowledge to policy formulation, problem solving, disease prevention & health promotion.
Danone was one of the platinum sponsors. The ceremony of the 7th Danone International Prize for Nutrition was conducted during one of the seminar session. Danone Institute Indonesia participated in the ICN in the following ways:
Research Grant
Total proposals received were 32, of which 44% were doctorate. From total of 21 institutions, 17 were universities, 2 research centers, and 1 professional organization. Most proposals (91%) came from institutions in Java. Highest number of proposals came from UNIBRAW (5), IPB (4) & UGM (3). After first screening by the Scientific Members, 6 (19%) candidates were invited to attend a proposal writing workshop and told to revise the proposals. After revision, the proposals were sent to three external reviewers. Based on comments of the reviewers, all six candidates were invited to present their proposals orally, however, only 5 candidates passed the oral presentation. Candidates are now at the stage of revising their proposals again, which is due at the end of August. After re-review by external reviewers and scientific members, decision on winners is expected by mid September 2009.
Publication Grant
From two papers received by July 2009, both were awarded publication grant. One grantee is from UI and another one is from UGM. The articles will be published in the Journal of Nutrition and Education Behavior and Food and Nutrition Bulletin.
We would like to express our sincere thanks to the following people, who have participated as experts in our proposal selection, research field monitoring activities, or facilitators over the past years.
Institution | Name | Faculty/Department |
Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta | dr. Iwan Ariawan MPH | Public Health |
Prof. Budi Utomo | Public Health | |
UI & UPH | Prof. Dr. Bambang Sutrisna | Public Health |
Eijkmann Instititute of Molecular Biology | Dr. Safarina Malik | |
Universitas Pelita Harapan | Amelia Delfina Kho, M.arts | Music |
Bogor Agriculture University | Prof. Betty Laksmi Jenie | Food Technology |
Nutrition and Food Research and Development Center, Bogor | Dr. Abas Basuni Jahari | |
Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta | Prof. Sutaryo | Medicine |
Prof.Teguh Aryandono | Medicine | |
Prof. Sofia Mubarika | Medicine | |
Prof. Marsetyawan | Medicine | |
Sutomo hospital, Surabaya | Dr. Hermanto Joewono | |
Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar | Prof. Dasril Daud | Medicine |
Prof. Abubakar Tawali | Public Health | |
Freelance consultant | Dr. Yulfita Rahardjo |
The purpose of the course was to increase knowledge of the participants in analyzing research data using statistical analysis with multilevel approach. The agenda of the three full-day course consisted of lecture, discussion, and computer sessions. Topics covered were: (1) Introduction to Multilevel Analysis, (2) Random Intercept Linear Regression Model, (3) Random Coefficient Linear Regression Model, (4) Random Intercept Logistic Regression, (5) Multilevel Logistic Regression with Contextual Variable, (6) Multilevel (3 level) Linear & Logistic Regression, (7) Multilevel Logistic Regression Modeling, (8) Longitudinal Data Analysis.
The course was attended by 8 participants who were university lecturers and some are doctorate students. The facilitator was Iwan Ariawan, MD., MPH., Research Associate from Center for Health Research, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia
A total of 40 proposals were received this year. The proposals originated from 23 institutions, whereby mostly (87%) were from educational institutions, (85%) from Java, and (63%) doctorate research. Quite a number of proposals came from the following universities: Indonesia University (UI) Depok; Bogor Agriculture University (IPB) Bogor; and Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Yogyakarta.
The selection started with screening for completeness of documents, then screening by scientific members, followed by expert review and proposal presentation. A total of 17 external reviewers from 7 institutions were involved in the selection process. Seven candidates were called for presentation, of which 4 were granted. Researches will be conducted between January and December 2011. The announcement of the grant winners was conducted in conjunction with National Seminar “Optimalisasi Potensi Anak Stunted di Indonesia”, organized by the School of Nutrition, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, November 2010. The winners are:
We thank the participation of the following experts as proposal review, field monitoring of research activities, manuscript consultation, facilitators of workshops as well as giving valuable input for the book of 'Sehat & Bugar berkat Gizi Seimbang':
Institution | Name |
Dr. Safarina Malik | Eijkmann Institute of Molecular Biology |
Prof. Dr. Betty Laksmi Jenny | Bogor Agriculture University |
Dr. Fransiska Zakaria | Bogor Agriculture University |
Dr. Adi T. Effendi | RS Karya Bakti, Bogor Agriculture University |
Prof. Sofia Mubarika | Gadjah Mada University |
Prof. Teguh Aryandono | Gadjah Mada University |
Prof. Dr. Adi Utarini | Gadjah Mada University |
Prof. Dr. Agus Firmansyah | University of Indonesia |
Prof. Dr. Suhardjono | University of Indonesia |
Iwan Ariawan, dr., MPH | University of Indonesia |
Prof. Dr. Budi Utomo | University of Indonesia |
Dr. Inggrid Surono | University of Indonesia |
Dr. Purwantyastuti | University of Indonesia |
Dr. Elvina Karyadi | Micronutrient Initiative |
Besral MPH | University of Indonesia |
Dr. Yanri Subroto | Nutrition Research & Development Center, Ministry of Health |
Dr. Abas B Jahari | Nutrition Research & Development Center, Ministry of Health |
Dr. Syakib Bakri | Nutrition Research & Development Center, Ministry of Health |
Dr. Komari | Nutrition Research & Development Center, Ministry of Health |
Nurfi Afriansyah, SKM., MScPH | Nutrition Research & Development Center, Ministry of Health |
Prof. Dr. Mien Rifai | Freelance consultant |
Dr. Yulfita Raharjo | Freelance consultant |
Dr. Faizah Sari | Atma Jaya University |
Prof. Dr. Bambang Sutrisna | University of Indonesia, Pelita Harapan University |
Ms. Ninuk M Pambudy | Kompas newspaper |
Prof. Dr. Veny Hadju | Universitas Hasanuddin |
Sudarmani Djoko, SKM., M.Kes. | Health Polytechnic Jakarta |
Iskari Ngadiarti, SKM., MSc | Health Polytechnic Jakarta |
Pritasari Ahmadi, SKM., MSc | Health Polytechnic Jakarta |
The purpose of the workshop was to increase knowledge of the participants on various aspects of proposal writing. The expected output is an increase number of good quality proposal submitted to the Foundation. Lecture materials included introduction to proposal writing, research design (quantitative and qualitative), sampling, and analysis. The workshop was facilitated by 6 external experts. During the consultation session, participants had the opportunities to discuss their proposals with the experts.
The workshops were attended by 42 participants. Most (39) participants came from educational institutions. Participants came from the following cities: Bogor, Bandung, Jakarta, Makassar, Semarang, Pontianak, Medan, Padang, Surabaya, Manado, Yogyakarta, Surakarta, and Kalimantan Selatan.
Topics of proposals brought by the participants varied from clinical nutrition to public health matters. Most participants planned to conduct research in the community (not laboratory). The participants found the workshop very useful. Proposal writing workshop is seldom conducted, even in universities.
The purpose of the workshop was to increase knowledge of the participants on how to publish manuscripts in international journal. The expected output is an increase number of publication grant disbursed by the Foundation, thus Indonesian authors are more known internationally.
Lecture materials included Rhetorical structure of research article, tenses, citation, learner autonomy; Title, byline, abstract & keywords; e-searching, how to reply to reviewers, comments from the point of view of reviewers, and tips on how to get your manuscript published. The workshop was facilitated by 6 experts. During the consultation session, participants had the opportunities to discuss with the experts.
The workshops were attended by 51 participants. Most participants were university lecturers. Participants came from the following cities: Bogor, Bandung, Jakarta, Bali, Makassar, Malang, Pontianak, Medan, Surabaya, Manado, Yogyakarta, and Semarang. The titles of the manuscripts varied from breastfeeding, supplementation, positive deviance, food security, functional food, to prebiotic. The participants found the workshop very useful. Manuscript writing workshop is seldom conducted in universities.
The book was written to answer the need of a general guide to healthy eating and lifestyle, due to the increase trend of overnutrition and to re-socialize to the public the basic messages of Nutrition Guidelines. The book is co-written by Scientific Members of the Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation with reporters of Nakita, a tabloid providing information on child’s growth. The Nutrition Guidelines is depicted in a “Tumpeng Gizi Seimbang” * designed to accommodate the four main messages:
In the Introduction, the problem of double burden nutrition in Indonesia, the importance of intervention at the period of ‘Window of Opportunity’, as well as the difference between the previous famous message ‘4 Sehat dan 5 Sempurna’ and ‘Balanced Diet’ was explained. In the next 7 chapters afterward, specific nutritional messages for various stages in life were elaborated. The book is divided into 7 age groupings, namely, pregnant & lactating women, children 0-2 years, 3-5 years, 6-9 years, adolescence 10-19 years, adult, and elderly. In each chapter, four common themes are discussed: specific condition and problems, nutritional needs, and principles of balanced diet covering the above 4 main messages. At the end of each chapter, suggested food pattern and combination of menu were included. At the annex the following information were attached: example of recipes, Ukuran Rumah Tangga (conversion to household measures), Bahan Makanan Penukar (Food Conversion List), Tabel Angka Kecukupan Gizi (Nutrients Recommendation Table), and Body Mass Index table for adult and elderly.
In all, we hope to achieve, among others, the following outcomes:
* Waloejo DS as illustrator
The Foundation co-sponsored the following activities, in the form of fund and/or promotional materials, such as Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator, measurement tape in a form of a ruler, pen, and key-chain, seminar bag, and “Gizi Seimbang” hat.
A total of 17 proposals were received this year. The proposals originated from 14 educational institutions. About half (47%) of the proposals were submitted by doctorate students and most (82%) of them originated from institutions in Java. Majority of the proposals were written on the topics Dietetic & Clinical Nutrition and Community & Public Health Nutrition (each 8 proposals).
The selection started with screening for completeness of documents, then screening by scientific members, followed by expert review and proposal presentation. A total of 14 external reviewers from 8 institutions were involved in the selection process. five candidates were called for presentation, of which 3 were granted. The research grant awardees are:
We thank the participation of the following experts as proposal review, field monitoring of research activities, manuscript consultation:
Name | Institution |
Dr. Safarina Malik | Eijkmann Institute of Molecular Biology |
Dr. Sunawang | Indonesian Coalition Fortification, Jakarta |
Prof. Dr. Zubairi Jurban | University of Indonesia, Jakarta |
Prof. Dr. Budhi Susetyo | University of Indonesia, Jakarta |
Prof. Puwantyastuti | University of Indonesia, Jakarta |
Prof. Dr. Budi Utomo | University of Indonesia, Jakarta |
Dr. Elvina Karyadi | Micronutrient Initiative, Jakarta |
Dr. Madarina Julia | Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta |
Dr. Abas B Jahari | Nutrition Research & Development Center, Ministry of Health, Bogor |
Dr. Adi T. Effendi | Karya Bakti hospital & Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor |
Dr. Marsetyawan | Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta |
Prof. Mary Astuti | Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta |
Prof. Abubakar Tawali | Hasanuddin University, Makassar |
Manuscript that are eligible to receive publication grant are those already accepted at peer-review international journal. The manuscripts were screened for completeness and relevancy to the Foundation's theme and objective. Two publication grants were given out this year. Both were research grant awardees and both were published online in 2011. The publication grant awardees are:
The idea of writing a book on how to write a proposal was first discussed in June 2010 during a proposal writing workshop. The guideline can help students and lecturers who plan to submit research proposal to DII, who originated from various professional background, dietitians, nutritionists and clinicians. The title of the book will be Prinsip & Metode Riset: Aplikasi Praktis Bidang Gizi, Kedokteran, dan Kesehatan. Although there are already similar books available publicly, we emphasize on practicability and bring up nutrition issues as examples. The project involved 11 experts from various institutions:
Name | Institution |
Prof. Dr. Budi Utomo | University of Indonesia, Jakarta |
Prof. Dr. Soekirman | Indonesian Coalition Fortification, Jakarta |
Dr. Idrus Jus'at | University of Esa Unggul, Jakarta |
dr. Iwan Ariawan MPH | University of Indonesia, Jakarta |
Besral, MPH | University of Indonesia, Jakarta |
Prof. Dr. Adi Utarini | Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta |
Prof. Dr. Hardinsyah | Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor |
Dr. Yodi Mahendradatta | Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta |
Dr. Atmarita | Ministry of Health |
Prof. Dr. Razak Thaha | Hasanuddin University, Makassar |
Dr. Sanjaja | Ministry of Health |
We managed to published 2 articles, which were (co)author by person related to the Foundation. The articles were related to Nutrition Guidelines:
The seminar Progress of Dietary Guidelines in Asia was conducted in conjuction with XI Asian Congress of Nutrition (AsCN), organized jointly between Danone Institute (DI) Indonesia, Japan & China. It was held on July 12, 2011 at Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exhibition Center. The following served as the background of the seminar: Facing double burden of nutrition, the transition countries in Asia needs to always re-visit their dietary/ nutrition guidelines so that the guidelines can be implemented and beneficial for the population at large. Learning of experiences of other countries may be an eye-opener to develop more effective messages. The objective of the seminar were: Share on lessons learned related to Dietary/ Nutritional Guidelines and to propose reccomendation for policy and program for promoting the Guidelines.
Total attendance was 211 from at least 139 institutions and 18 countries (China, Korea, US, UK, Indonesia, Philliphines, Malaysia, Australia, Sri Langka, Japan, Singapore, France, Chekoslovakia, Canada, Argentina, Germany, Vietnam), with most participants from Indonesia (35%), Singapore (16%), and China (11%).
In January 2011, a book review and press conference were held in relation to the publication of the book Sehat & Bugar berkat Gizi Seimbang (Healthy & Fit Following Nutrition Guidelines) in November 2010. The book was written to answer the need of a general guide to healthy eating and lifestyle, due to the increase trend of overnutrition and to re-socialize to the public about the basic messages of Nutrition Guidelines.
The book was distributed to 1,648 institutions consisted of educational related institutions (elementary, undergraduate & post-graduate programs), NGOs, government ministries, district & provincial health offices, professional organizations, international agencies, grant awardees, representatives of Danone Business Units.
The foundation co-sponsored 13 nutrition related activities in the form of provision of education materials. The activities were in the form of scientific seminar, booth, book review, press conference, informal gathering, doctorate promotion, as well as school activity. Materials given out were: Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator, length measurement (in a form of a ruler), pen, seminar bag, and notepad. Most of the materials carry on the message of Balance Diet, Nutrition Guidelines. The activities were conducted in various cities, such as Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Singapore, Surabaya, and Bogor.
In addition, the Foundation also sponsored the participation of 5 awardees of their team members and 7 Scientific Members in attending scientific seminars. The awardees are:
The sponsorship for the Scientific Members were for attending XI Asian Congress of Nutrition, Singapore.
The open research grant selection process was developed and approved by the Scientific Members (SMs) of the Foundation. The open grant research milestone year 2014 is presented below:
The evaluation process included: Each applicant must present their proposals based on a given outline for about 20 minutes, then followed by question-answer session with the SMs for 10 to 25 minutes. Based on those review processes, the grant approvals were determined. The cascade of events ranged from the pre-work for the meeting, review processes (meeting), to the grant approvals by the SMs were documented (voice and written recorded). These are prepared for both administrative purposes and future Essential Evaluation Points (EEP) on:
Eleven candidates were called for presentation, of which 5 were granted. The research grant awardees are:
In 2015, the Foundation awarded to Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology for Closed Grant to conduct a research with specific theme named Early Life Nutrition. The background of this theme was to identify the prenatal exposures, such as placental function and maternal over- or under-nutrition, may be associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases in the offspring, either as a child or adult and alterations in nutritional, metabolic, immune and hormonal milieu in-utero can have profound long-term effects on offspring.
The travel grants year 2015 are Stephanie Cadeddu - Research in Indonesian Healthcare Businesses - Swinburne University of Technology, Australia, Stephanie Cadeddu was a French PhD student on scholarship at the Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia. Her research topic focused on the new product development processes for products that aim to increase standards of people living on low incomes in emerging countries, especially in the healthcare sector in Indonesia.
In 2015, the Foundation provided a publication grant for Steffi Sonia with the title “Effect of cooling of cooked white rice on resistant starch content and glycemic response” that had been published in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition Vol 24 (4) in December 2015.
The foundation co-sponsored 6 nutrition-related activities in form of funds for seminars. The activities were in the form of scientific seminars, symposium, workshop, booths and nutrition fairs. The activities were conducted in several cities, such as Jakarta, Makassar, and Bogor. The sponsorships year 2015 are presented below:
No | Time | Event | Detail | Sponsorship |
1 | March 2nd, 2015 | 2nd Makassar Annual Meeting on Clinical Nutrition 2015 held by KONAS PDGKI | Theme: Nutrition: past, present, and future: The Importance of Nutrition Through Lifecycle | IDR 40.000.000 |
2 | May 21st, 2015 | International Symposium on Food and Nutrition (ISFAN 2015) held by PERGIZI PANGAN INDONESIA, IPB Bogor | Theme: Food and Nutrition for Sustainable Health and Well-Being | IDR 50.000.000 |
3 | June 7th – 8th, 2015 | 2nd Jakarta Annual Meeting on Clinical Nutrition 2015 held by PDGKI Cabang DKI Jakarta | Theme: Nutritional Approach in Daily Practice Focus on Obesity and Metabolic Alteration – Related Disease | IDR 40.000.000 |
4 | October 15th, 2015 | THIAMIN and COPPER Nutrition Fair 2015 held by HIMA GIZI, IPB Bogor | Theme: Peran Mahasiswa dan Masyarakat dalam Mengentaskan Permasalahan Gizi dan Kesehatan melalui Penerapan Gizi Seimbang | IDR 18.900.000 |
5 | October 19th, 2015 | National Seminar held by Esa Unggul University, Jakarta | Theme: New Emerging: Obesity | IDR 20.000.000 |
6 | October 22nd, 2015 | Tripartit Workshop (unsur akademik, dunia usaha, dan pemerintah) held by PERGIZI PANGAN, IPB Bogor | Aims to increase the acceleration of improvement of food and nutrition | IDR 90.000.000 |
The Foundation with its scientific partners, the Food and Nutrition Society of Indonesia and the Indonesian Scientific Society for Probiotics and Prebiotics conducted a one-day Workshop on Lactose Nutrition: the Diagnostic and Health Policy Legitimacy of Lactose Intolerance’. The workshop was held on Saturday, August 8th 2015 at Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Indonesia. There were 38 participants from varied academic and research institutions, government agencies (Ministry of Health) and relevant health professional organizations.
The objectives of the workshop were: 1) to update the cutting-edge knowledge and provide current understandings on the dimension of Lactose Nutrition; 2) to identify research gaps in Lactose Nutrition and recommend strategic approaches built on current evidence; and 3) to develop a networking forum on Lactose Nutrition for effective collaboration amongst stakeholders.
The results from this workshop were:1) conducting a study on prevalence of acute GI symptoms with serving of dairy intake in various group (ethnic, dietary pattern, region, age) in Indonesia; 2) doing the literature review of mechanism of lactose and calcium absorption, SCFA (acetic acid and butyric acid) and linear growth.
Based on that results therefore the next step: forming Ad Hoc Special Committee on Lactose Nutrition to develop protocol food-based lactose tolerance test. The proceeding of this workshop were published in Special Issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 24, Supplement 1, December 2015.
In this year, Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science, Federation of Asian Nutrition Societies (FANS) was appointed to carry out the Asian Congress of Nutrition. ACN 2015 held in Pacifico Yokohama on May 14th – 18th 2015. The total number of attendees to participate in this Congress was nearly 20.000.
The goal of this congress was to encourage among food and nutrition researchers in Asia. Nowadays, the science of food and nutrition has had a drastic role change and nutrition and food scientists should take a note of the health trends, environmental concerns, and the changing economic climate. In developing countries, the problems of famine and malnutrition are still a huge burden, while in developing countries, the increament of prevalence in obesity and lifestyle-related diseases has become a major issue, and the public concern has shifted from deficiency to over-nutrition during the last half century.
Therefore, in this Asian Congress of Nutrition 2015, several talented researchers were presented their researches either oral or poster presentations. Besides, the scientific program of the Congress consisted of symposia and workshops including invitational plenary sessions, special lectures and debates on the current problems of human nutrition and food sciences.
In this congress, three of six Scientific Members of Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation attended to present their poster researches in ACN 2015.
The director of the Foundation attended the 3rd Global Summit on the Health Effect of Yogurt on March 28th, 2015 in Boston, USA held by Danone Institute International with its partners (American Society for Nutrition and International Osteoporosis Foundation) The 3rd yogurt summit had the mission and visions. The mission is to advance scientific knowledge on the health benefits of yogurt and disseminate broadly this information; and for the visions are to identify and review existing science on health benefits of yogurt, promote scientific research on the health benefits of yogurt, and disseminate knowledge on health benefits of yogurt.
Pre-Congress Workshop: Indonesian Perspectives on Hydration and Nutrition June 30th 2015 in Evian, France, with Detail’s event:
In the year 2016, a total of 40 proposals had been submitted to the Foundation seeking for research grant. Illustrated of Staging of activities from submitted proposal to the final selection of research grant are:
The selection process was similar to the previous activity in 2014, the short-listed grantee candidates must present their proposals based on a given outline for about 20 minutes, then followed by discussion about 10 to 25 minutes. The whole process of review was voice recorded and also documented in written format. There were 6 accepted applicants of total 8 submitted applications (3 doctorates and 3 scientists) and they were coached by Scientific Members prior to prioritize the quality in scientific conduct. This coaching focused on research protocol development. Furthermore, monitoring and evaluation of grantees would be undertaken twice during the course of the study. Below is the list of grantees year 2016:
No | Name of Grantees | Type of Grant | Institution | Title of Research |
1 | Arif Sabta Aji | Doctorate | Program Pascasarjana Program Studi S3 Biomedik, Faculty of Medicine, Biomedical Science, Andalas University | The Effect of Food Consumption, Lifestyle, and Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of Vitamin D Receptor to 25(OH)D Serum Level and Preeclampsia in West Sumatera |
2 | Erry Yudhya Mulyani | Doctorate | Nutritional Science Department of Community Nutrition Faculty of Human Ecology Bogor Agricultural University | A Prospective Cohort Study on Water Balance, Plasma Osmolality, Selected Micronutrient and IGF Hormone Status in Pregnancy and Their Effect on Infant Length and Birth Weight |
3 | Aripin Ahmad | Doctorate | Nutritional Science Department of Community Nutrition Faculty of Human Ecology Bogor Agricultural University | Efficacy of Nutrition Education Using Food Monitoring Card Model and Fortified Biscuit in Improving Complementary Feeding Practice, Growth and Anemia Status among Underweight Children Aged 6 to 23 month-old in Aceh |
4 | Indah Kartika Murni | Institution | Department of Paediatrics, DR. Sardjito Hospital/Faculty of Medicine Universitas Gadjah Mada | The association of vitamin D deficiency and cardiovascular risks in early childhood in Indonesia |
5 | Dodi Safari | Institution | Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Jakarta | Associations of early life nutritional intake, breastfeeding, gut microbiota, and cardiovascular disease risk |
6 | Helmizar | Institution | Departement of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, Andalas University | The Effect of Dadih and Zinc Supplementation During Pregnancy on Humoral Immune Response and Birth Weight of Infants in West Sumatera Province |
In 2016, the Foundation provided a publication grant for:
The foundation co-sponsored 8 health and nutrition related activities. The activities were in the form of scientific seminars, symposium, meetings, exhibition, and training. The activities were conducted in several cities in Indonesia. The sponsorships year 2016 are presented below:
No | Time | Event | Host | Sponsorship |
1 | January, 2016 | Pembentukan Indonesian Board Of Physician Nutrition Specialist (IBPNS) PDGKI Cabang DKI Jakarta | Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Gizi Klinik | IDR 22,161,000 |
2 | February 23rd, 2016 | Hibah Kompetitif Seminar Nasional "Translating Nutrition Sciences Into Practice" | Pergizi Pangan | IDR 198,000,000 |
3 | March 31st, 2016 | Program Generasi Emas NTB 2025 (GEN) | Yayasan Pemandu Etika (PEMUKA) | IDR 74,000,000 |
4 | June 26th, 2016 | Peluncuran Yayasan MPGKI dan Rapat Pleno MPGKI | Mitra Pangan, Gizi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (MPGKI) | IDR 25,000,000 |
5 | October 24th, 2016 | Penerbitan Buku Indonesian Caring Physician 2016 | Pengurus Besar Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (PB-IDI) | IDR 8,500,000 |
6 | November 3rd – 4th, 2016 | Fourth International Symposium on Probiotics and Prebiotics | Indonesian Scientific Society for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISSPP) | IDR 61,846,100 |
7 | November 5th, 2016 | One Day Seminar on Nutrigenomics anad Nutrigenetics | Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology | IDR 21,000,000 |
8 | December 16th, 2016 | Indonesian Philanthropy Festival | Filantropi Indonesia | IDR 10,000,000 |
Writing scientific paper out of research work is also challenging for IDIF research grantees even though most of them were PhD candidates. Out of 40 research grants, which have been provided by IDIF within 2007-2012, there were about 20% with delayed (relative to the contract period) or no publications yet. These recurring cases were captured as a hint on the needs of direct assistance for the local researchers to improve both their writing skill and ability to scientifically publish their work. The IDIF team, together with the consultant (LW), had organized this workshop for providing highly intensive tutorial sessions for local researchers on manuscript writing and publication in a peer-review journal. For this, IDIF had collaborated with Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (APJCN) to hold the 1st real-time manuscript writing workshop on December 9th – 10th, 2016 at Double Tree Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia. To create a conducive scientific environment, the event was designed to be less formal, yet it gave more opportunities for authors to have direct discussions with their tutors within those two consecutive days. The tutors consisted of the IDIF Scientific Members, the consultants, and also the Chief Editor of APJCN. The final selection of manuscripts for publication was done by the Chief Editor of APJCN on the last day of the workshop. This design applied the concept of real-time, which potentially minimize ‘the loss of momentum’ (Most of our scientists might not have the ‘luxury’ to write and publish their works once they come back to their hectic working environment) by ensuring immediate manuscript final editing and publication by the authors. Staging of activities from planning the workshop to the final selection of manuscripts illustrated is presented below:
As stipulated in the By Laws, Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation had established a Special Committee on Lactose Nutrition Research as recommended during the workshop on Lactose Nutrition held in Jakarta last year. The first kick off meeting of this Committee was held in Jakarta at Double Tree by Hilton Hotel on December 12th 2016. The objective of this meeting was to develop a strategic roadmap on Lactose Nutrition Research (LNR) contains strategies; 3-M (man ‐ power, materials, and money) and infrastructure; plan of actions. The purpose of this meeting was to establish a well-design and sustainable Lactose Nutrition Research in Indonesia.
Members of Special Committee are:
In this year the Foundation also conducted The First Research Management Briefing Notes for the grantees to share the information and mechanisms related research grant management issues in the Foundation. The milestone of Competitive Research Grant in year 2016 is presented below:
The Milestone of Competitive Research Grant 2016
The 4th Global Summit on the Health Effects of Yogurt took place during the annual Experimental Biology meeting in San Diego, US, on the 6th April, 2016. The symposium focused on: ‘Yogurt & (Type 2) Diabetes, translating evidence into practice’.
Scientific Members visiting Nutricia Early Life Nutrition (ELN) Lab at Biopolis, Singapore was conducted on May 24th 2016. The program of this event consisted of Nutricia Research and the Research Satellite in Singapore; Guided Tour around the research facilities (Gut Microbiology Lab and Immunology Lab); The relevance of the Gut Microbiota in the First 1000 Days: nutrition intervention for C-section; and Alimentation.
The 8th Annual Hydration for Health Scientific Congress, Evian, France is a annual scientific event on hydration and health. This event was located in Palais Lumiere, Evian, France. There were 159 scientists from varied academic and institution around the world and 32 from EASO. The experts from Indonesia consisted of Dr. Budi Wiweko (Chairperson of IHWG), Dr. Aida Riyanti (Vice-Chairperson of IHWG), Dr. Rina Agustina (SIG Nutrition of IHWG), and Dr. Widjaja Lukito (Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation). Indonesian Experts invited by H4H were Dr. Saptawati Bardosono (FKUI) as one of speakers and Pr. Hardinsyah (IPB, Pergizi Pangan) as H4H Expert Working Group.
Danone Institute International Meetings, Paris, France was held on November 24th – 25th 2016. These meetings consisted of Danone Institute Delegates Meeting and Danone Institute Assembly Meeting. There were several news flashes which were: 25th Danone Institute France Anniversary, DI Germany closed, Healthy Eating Habits Initiatives and Alimentation Initiatives, and DI contributions expected to be received in March 2017.
SharePoint Online is a cloud-based service that helps Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation (IDIF)’s employees share and collaborate with coworkers, and in the near future also with external users such as scientific members, grantees and other participants. With SharePoint Online, the employees can access internal sites, documents, and other information from anywhere—at the office, at home, or from a mobile device.
A site collection is a group of websites. A site collection has a top-level site and one or more subsites below it. IDIF has a site collection with three subsites. The top-level site is called Indonesian Danone Institute Foundation Team Site, and the three subsites are Finance, Human Resource, and Data Bank, as shown in Picture 1. IDIF can have more than one site collection if required. For example, if IDIF needs to share content externally, they need to create a site in a totally separate site collection for security reason.
IDIF had implemented Project Monitoring and Evaluation System for 2 years, using Microsoft Project Pro 2013 as its application. The intensive training in 2015 and coaching in 2016 had provided the skills which IDIF’ staff needed to implement the system. The system had been used to monitor research projects granted in 2014. Some of the phases in the system including building schedules (planning) and collecting actuals, were obtained from Grantees. Those phases were manually completed where Excel Sheet was used as a medium to build the schedules and collect the actuals, and later send them to IDIF. The Grantees had experienced some confusion about the format of schedule and actual that they had to follow.
Since its establishment, YIDI had made contributions in funding a variety of researches and published numerous scientific publications in the field of nutrition and health. Reviews and appraisal for conducted researches using the fund from YIDI were considered necessary to improve the future research quality.
For the development of future researches, YIDI will continue developing data bank and its standardization which will be used to re-analyze the aggregate data and generate systematic review as well as meta-analysis.
By developing standardization in critical appraisal, it is expected it could be used as the reference in assessing the researches funded by YIDI. The appraisal report is expected to provide feedback to YIDI and as well as to the researchers regarding the matters which need attention as the improvement for further researches.
As the reflection of continuous supports on research and research results dissemination in its service country, the Foundation held the 2nd scientific writing workshop following the success of the 1st workshop. Similarly, a real-time approach was re-introduced to closely assist local scientists in writing their research results in meeting the standard of submission to a peer-review journal. Direct tutorials were delivered by a group of local experts and two resource persons from Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition (APJCN). This was also the second time partnership with HEC Press in Melbourne, Australia – the publisher of APJCN, the leading scientific journal at Asia Pacific Region.
Learning the experiences from the 1st workshop, staging of activities from planning to implementation of the 2nd workshop was modified into 12 steps as illustrated below:
Figure 1. 12 Steps to Publish Your Paper
Out of the 12 steps above, Figure 1 is the ‘shortcut’ that summarized the selection processes of submitted manuscripts by the Chief Editor of APJCN:
Figure 2. Staging of Activities
During The 2nd Real-time Manuscript Writing Workshop at Padang, the Foundation invited reporter from Jakarta Post to report this activity, on June 16th 2017, the article “Creating Scientific Writing Environment for Indonesian Nutrition Scientists” had been published at newspaper and website in Jakarta Post. The Supplement of this workshop was published in Special Issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Volume 26, Supplement 1: S1-S91, 2017.
The foundation co-sponsored 8 health and nutrition-related activities. The activities were in the form of scientific seminars, meetings, book publication, etc. The activities were conducted in several cities in Indonesia. The sponsorships year 2017 are presented below:
No | Time | Event | Host | Sponsorship |
1 | February 8th, 2017 | Establishment of Perhimpunan Nutrigenomik Nutrigenetik Indonesia (PNNI) | Perhimpunan Nutrigenomik Nutrigenetik Indonesia (PNNI) | IDR 75,000,000 |
2 | February 8th, 2017 | Publication of “Asal-Usul Manusia Indonesia” Book | Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology | IDR 125,000,000 |
3 | February 8th, 2017 | Seminar Gizi dan Kesehatan “Peningkatan Konsumsi Pangan Hewani, Sayuran dan Buah” (Seminar on Nutrition and Health “Increasing Consumption of Animal, Vegetables and Fruits”) | Mitra Pangan, Gizi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (MPGKI) | IDR 24,581,000 |
4 | February 16th, 2017 | Seminar on “Health Impact for Quality Development of Human Resource” | Faculty of Health Sciences, Esa Unggul University | IDR 10,000,000 |
5 | May 12th, 2017 | Food & Nutrition Society and Danone Institute Indonesia Conference Grants to SEA PHN Conference and Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition 2017 | Pergizi Pangan | IDR 34,550,000 |
6 | May 18th, 2017 | Philanthropy Learning Forum 16 “Kemitraan Filantropi dan Bisnis untuk Pengembangan Riset di Indonesia” | Filantropi Indonesia | IDR 10,000,000 |
7 | November 12th, 2017 | International Conference of Nutrition (ICN) IUNS in Buenos Aires | Pergizi Pangan | IDR 10,000,000 |
8 | November 16th, 2017 | The Preparation of Action Plan (MPGKI with Directorate of Health Promotion of Republic Indonesia) | Mitra Pangan, Gizi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (MPGKI) | IDR 4,800,000 |
The Nutrigenomic and Nutrigenetic Association of Indonesia have organized Seminar and Workshop "Nutrigenomic and Nutrigenetic Indonesia" with title "Nutrigenomic and Nutrigenetic in improving human health and welfare in Indonesia" on October 18th-19th 2017 located at Faculty of Medicine, Udayana University.
This seminar was a collaboration of Danone Institute and Mitra Pangan Gizi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (MPGKI) to support Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat (GERMAS) campaign from Ministry of Health. The seminar was held on Monday, February 27th, 2017 in STIKES Binawan, South Jakarta. The topic highlights during the workshop: animal protein and water to optimize brain growth in children; milk for growth and intelligence in children; fruits and vegetables for health and fitness; food safety and health; balanced diet for children, including hydration; and the clean and healthy behavior.
In 2017, The Foundation has invited as participant in several FGDs dan Capacity Building on “Potential Collaboration Schemes among Research Funding Institutions in Indonesia”. These events were held by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education and World Bank with the aim to improve the competitiveness of Indonesia in science-based economic development in accordance with NAWACITA and Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2015-2019 from the Government.
Danone Institute International Meetings, Paris, France was held on November 24th – 25th 2016. These meetings consisted of Danone Institute Delegates Meeting and Danone Institute Assembly Meeting. There were several news flashes which were: 25th Danone Institute France Anniversary, DI Germany closed, Healthy Eating Habits Initiatives and Alimentation Initiatives, and DI contributions expected to be received in March 2017.
Based on a study that has been done by Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education in 2016, one of the problems of governance research funding in Indonesia is the allocation of research funds in various institutions that have not been well coordinated. Therefore, below is the list of some activities held by the Ministry to map the problems and find the solutions.
The users have followed the recommendation to continue with the SharePoint document migration in an iterative approach with the help of SharePoint professional.
The last phase from the iterative approach was training the users in order to strengthen the user adoption. The training covered document management features and team collaboration tools.
Having followed the recommendation to continue with the SharePoint document migration in an iterative approach with the help of SharePoint professional, the users have gained sufficient skills to design and configure the sites.
IDIF has decided to hand over the task for updating the Grantees’ schedules and actuals. The system has been monitoring research projects granted in 2016.
Having demonstrated Microsoft Project’s features to Grantees for how they manage, schedule, and view projects, we did not find any problems which happened in 2016. The Grantees have also been explained for using an Excel form to report their research schedules and actuals.
Since its establishment, YIDI has made contributions in funding a variety of researches and published numerous scientific publications in the field of nutrition and health. Reviews and appraisal for conducted researches using the fund from YIDI were considered necessary to improve the future research quality.
For the development of future researches, YIDI will continue developing data bank and its standardization which will be used to re-analyze the aggregate data and generate systematic review as well as meta-analysis.
In this year, the Foundation aims to know the financial analysis that has been given to the grantees (from the proposal to the publication) and other activities related to the funding of the Foundation. Besides, the Foundation also provides data management consultations related to the development of data bank and assesses the accuracy of the grantees in meeting the time frame of the study and reports to the Foundation.
Considering the achievements of the objective and purpose of the previous workshop as indicated by its final outcome and impact, the Foundation has conducted the 3rd workshop. In this year, the Foundation focused on “Maternal contributors to intergenerational nutrition, health, and well-being: revisiting the Tanjungsari Cohort Study for effective policy and action in Indonesia”. This study has a good reputation and has inspired the Government of Indonesia in evidence-based policy formulation. Therefore, the Foundation supported this cohort study to be better known and its research findings can be used for policy or further researches.
The 3rd Real-time Manuscript Writing Workshop milestone year 2018 is presented below:
Figure 1. Staging of Activities
The summary of final editing and accepted by the chief editor is presented below:
The Supplement of this workshop will be published in early 2019 in Special Issue of the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The alignment activities year 2018 are presented below:
In the year 2018, the Foundation has extended its membership in Filantropi Indonesia. This action aims to strengthen institutional capacity and develop the space motion of philanthropy as well as strained relations between the Foundations with other independent institutions.
Project Monitoring using Microsoft Project was very useful to follow the progress research of the Grantees. The schedules and actuals have been monitored every three months by sending an email about the late task of their research work. In this year, the Foundation has completed 6 grantees.
Since its establishment, the Foundation has contributed to various research funding and has produced many scientific publications in the fields of nutrition and health. For this reason, it is felt the need to conduct economic analysis in order to make efficient funds used by the Foundation. Besides that, we also continue to conduct appraisal from studies conducted under the Foundation’s funding to improve quality and improve further research and also assess the accuracy in meeting the research time frame and in collecting reports to the Foundation.
Likewise, with the development of further research, the Foundation will continue to develop data banks and standardization of variable naming, so that the data will be ready for re-analysis in the aggregate and produce systematic reviews and meta-analyses and develop a database structure.
In this year, the Foundation has conducted an economic analysis of the grantees (from research proposals to publications) and other activities related to the funding; critical appraisal on IDIF-funded studies; an assessment of accuracy in meeting the research time frame and in collecting reports to IDIF.
The alignment activities year 2018 are presented below:
The accepted manuscripts of this workshop published in Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2019; 28 (Suppl 1):S1-S62. The abstracts of each published articles are presented below:
1Human Nutrition Research Center, Indonesian Medical Education and Research Institute (IMERI), Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Central Jakarta, Indonesia
2Independent consultant, Perumahan Graha Raya. Melia Residence. Serpong Utara, Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia
3Monash Asia Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
4Institute of Population Health Sciences, National Health Research Institutes, Miaoli County, Taiwan, ROC
5School of Public Health, National Defense Medical Center, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
6Department of Nutrition, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, ROC
1Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, Indonesia
2Infectious Disease Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
3Faculty of Medicine, Pelita Harapan University, Tangerang, Indonesia
4Gunadarma University, Indonesia
5Frontier for Health Foundation, Bandung, Indonesia
6Nutrition Working Group, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
1Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia
2Frontiers for Health Foundation, Indonesia
3TB-HIV Research Center, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
4Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia
1Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, West Java, Indonesia
2Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, West Java, Indonesia
3Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, West Java, Indonesia
4Frontiers for Health Foundation, West Java, Indonesia
1Division of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia
2Department of Neurology, Hasan Sadikin General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
3Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Sumedang, Indonesia
4Division of Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia
5Frontier for Health Foundation, Bandung, Indonesia