Institutional Research 2008

Two Institutional Research winners were awarded in 2008:

Research title : Multilevel Breastfeeding Promotion in Rural Demak
Name of PI : Kun Susiloretni, M.Kes
Team Members : Sri Krisnamurni, SKM, MSc., Ahmad Yazid, SKM, MKes., SY Didik Widiyanto,SKM, MKes., and Sunarto,SKM, MKes.
Institution : Health Politechnic, Semarang
Research Period : Jan – Dec 2008

Summary of Research Proposal (download)

Research title : Dual effect of Quercetin, the Anti-Metabolic Syndrome is Mediated by Adipocyte Activation (a second year proposal)
Name of PI : Prof. Dr. dr. M. Rasjad Indra, MS
Team Members : Dr. dr. Retty Ratnawati, MSc., and Satuman SSi., MSc.
Institution : Brawijaya University, Malang
Research Period : Jan 2008 – Dec 2009

Summary of Research Proposal (download)